
Affichage des articles du décembre, 2015

Install GDAL ECW Support in Archlinux / Manjaro

---- ENGLISH VERSION ---- French version is below Hi, A quick note to install ecw support for gdal under Archlinux / Manjaro. It's very simply to install software under Archlinux base, more than Ubuntu ou Mac Osx. 1) Install ecw : yaourt -Syua libecwj2 These command install ecw lib revision 3.3. A quick search with find or locate show that is in /usr/lib/ It's a very important fact to install gdal later. 2) Gdal installation It's common to install gdal with pacman but you cannot edit the PKGBUILD. So I recommand to use gdal-filegdb in AUR repository. This package does not include only gdb support but also other plugins like openjpeg and others.  yaourt -Syua gdal-filegdb During the install, the process requires you to edit PKGBUILD. You have to choose yes and add this option to the build : --with-ecw=/usr Validate and let the build ends 3) Verifying : gdalinfo --formats | grep ECW ECW -raster- (rw): ERDAS Compressed Wavelets (SDK 3....